Thursday, February 27, 2014

By Small and Simple Things

    I will never forget some wonderful advice I was given to think about by one of my leaders.  We were talking and discussing the wonderful and miraculous work we had the privilege of being a part of.  As we were understanding just how grand this task was, there came some thoughts of inadequacy.  We understood the importance of this work and what was at stake if it was not completed.  He shared  some thoughts about this task laid before him.  As he thought about all that would be required to complete the job he was reminded of advice he had been given."By small and simple things are great things brought to pass."  He thought to himself, "Well I'm small and simple compared to all of this, but I have a promise that this will be brought to pass."  I was grateful for his example of positivity.
    Sometimes when we face overwhelming tasks it is easier to turn negative, but if we turn our thoughts the other way, we will have a vision of success or the final product.  As a missionary, this concept has been very vital to learn.  I may be small and simple too, but collectively we are mighty.  I work with my leaders, family, friends, and most importantly the Lord.  When things get tough, as they do frequently, I have to remind myself that the power behing me is stronger than the one trying to push me back.
    By small and simple things like reading my scriptures every day to prepare spirituatlly, by taking the time to plan and to pray, by seeking guidance and help from the Lord I know great things, MIRACLES can happen.  As I try my best, as I treat others kindly, as I focus my thoughts on my Savior, I show my will to keep the commandments.  As I do my part, I konw the Lord will keep his promise and great things will come to pass.
    What are small and simple things in your life that have brought about miracles?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Prove Me

     I remember many times hearing, seeing, and experiencing the trial of approval on the playground in the words: prove it.  Sometimes it was skipping one bar or two on the monkey bars, others times it was racing to a destination.  Ultimately it was to gain approval or acceptance from others.  Oh how grand was the feeling of acceptance when the task was accomplished!  And what excitement I saw and even myslef demonstrated when doing the task.  It was easy to want to do this knowing the result.  This was a lesson I learned at a small age and quie recently I needed a reminder of as an adult.
     With how much excitement or motivation do I face similar trials today?  Definately not the same degree as I did when I was a child.  Sometimes we find ourselves with our backs to a wall, with no outlet, hearing those same words:  prove it.  How glad I was to stumble upon a twist to this phrase.  In Psalms 26: 2 it reads, "Examine me, O Lord and prove me; try my reins and my heart."  We may not always know why we face some very difficult trials, but we can take comfort knowing that the Lord knows why.  He knows us, and because he knows us, he also knows what we can handle, what we will become as a result of such things.
     With this new insight I've chosen to face challenges with this attitude:  prove me.  I can handle it.  I will make it through, and in spite of it all I will become more like the person God wants me to be.  I am his child, therefore I have the potential to become like him (Romans 8:16-18)