Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Speak for thy servant heareth

     Being away from home while attending college I always got a thrill when I heard my phone ring and I saw a  familiar number.  "Hi Pa, how are you?" was the usual reply.  Many times during these months away from home I sought counsel from my father during stressful finals week or when I needed a little extra boost for the week.  I was always waiting for those moments, listening.  Unfortunatley I became self absorbed and had taken a detour in life choosing other paths, almost opposite from my father's counsel. He would still call but during this time, my ear wasn't as in tune to that familiar voice.  I choose to listen to distractions and found myself lost and confused.  I am glad to say that since that time, I have found the path again and have opened my ears and my heart again to the counsel of a loving father.
      I was reading in 1 Samuel the other day and was reminded of my favorite example of the submissive nature of children.  As a child, Samuel's life was dedicated to the Lord, though he was unfamiliar with his ways.  One night, Samuel heard his name called, "Here am I" was his response.  After 3 encounters of heading this calling and being unfamiliar to the voice he answered a fourth time with the words
    What faith, what courage we learn from a child.  Though at that time the voice was unfamiliar, he still listened.  I was brought to a rememberance of my own actions and the question came to my mind:  Do I answer as willingly as did the boy prophet Samuel?  He didn't mind the sleep he was missing or perhaps the ridicule he would get from Eli.  He didn't fear the unknown; he simply responded:  Here am I.  
      As we are counseled to become even as a child, I have realized all the improvement I still have to make to get there, but I also realized the blessings that are awaiting this change in my life.  As I listen more closely I will be giving up the distraction, the less important things in my life, the practices taht are time consuming and unproductive.  The things in life that keep me from focusing and drawing closer to family and most imporantly my God.  As I start to embrace these changes I will be ready and willing to repsond as did Samuel, "Speak: for thy servant heareth."

Learn how to be in tune to listen to the voice that will call you here!

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